AWANA stands for (approved workman are not ashamed); it is an acronym for the verse found in II Timothy 2:15, study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth. AWANA is a children's Bible memory program. We meet on Wednesday nights for story time, game time and memory verse time. For the past 11 years I have served as an adult leader for the AWANA program at our church.
Last Wednesday night Lillie's mom came into our classroom to tell me that Lillie is going to be baptized in a couple of weeks. She thought that I might want to know about Lillie's decision. Nearly two years ago, Lillie was in my Kindergarten AWANA class. We were in our small groups doing memory verses and right out of the blue, Lillie started asking me all kinds of questions about heaven and how she could be saved. So I asked her, "Would you like to do that right now?" She said, "Yes". Our group held hands and prayed the Sinner's Prayer. Together we acknowledged that we are sinners who need a savior. We confessed that we believe that Jesus is God's son and he alone can save us from our sins. We ask him to forgive us of our sins and come into our hearts. Then we thanked him for saving us.
Lillie was saved that night. She told her mom, "That's when it happened for me."
And that's why I work in AWANA.